
Cambridge International Advanced Level is one of the most recognised qualifications around the world. For over 50 years, A Levels have been accepted as proof of academic ability for entry to universities and institutes of higher education. A Levels are also important to employers who frequently demand A Levels as a condition of job entry.

Grading System

Subjects are graded A* through to E. Grade A* is awarded for the highest level of achievement, grade E for the lowest.

A Level icon


International A Level and AS Level have widespread international recognition as educational qualifications. This recognition is because:

  • International A and AS Level qualifications are recognised by universities as equivalent in value to UK A and AS Levels
  • Good grades at A and AS Level can result in one full year of advanced standing or credit at universities in the USA and Canada
  • Good A and AS Level grades are vital for admission to all the world’s major English-speaking universities and many non-English-speaking universities

Computer Science (Subject Code: 9618)

Computer science is the study of the foundational principles and practices of computation and computational thinking and their application in the design and development of computer systems. This syllabus aims to encourage the development of computational thinking, that is thinking about what can be computed and how by the use of abstraction and decomposition.

This syllabus provides a general understanding and perspective of the development of computer technology and systems, which will inform their decisions and support their participation in an increasingly technologically dependent society; It also provides the necessary skills and knowledge to seek employment in areas that use computer science; Students’ knowledge and understanding of computer science can be developed through entry to higher education, where this qualification will provide a useful foundation for further study of computer science or more specialist aspects of computer science.

Scheme of Assessment

Candidates may choose to:

  • take all Advanced Level components in the same examination session leading to the full A Level.
  • follow a staged assessment route to the Advanced Level by taking the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) qualification in one examination session and complete the final Cambridge International A Level at a subsequent session within 13 months period.
  • take the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) qualification only.

Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Level)

Paper Type Duration Marks Weight
Paper 1 Theory Fundamentals Written 1 hr 30 mins 75 25%
Paper 2 Fundamental Problem-solving & Programming Skills Written 2 hrs 75 25%

Advanced Level (A Level)

In addition to Papers 1 and 2.

Paper Type Duration Marks Weight
Paper 3 Advanced Theory Written 1 hr 30 mins 75 25%
Paper 4 Practical Practical 2 hrs 30 mins 75 25%

All 4 papers will take place at FUTUREKIDS Computer Learning Center, by means of a CIE-set assessments, under controlled examination conditions. Paper 1, 2 and 3 are written papers. Candidates answer all questions. Paper 4 is a practical paper. Candidates answer all questions on a computer without internet or email facility.

Examinations Schedule

Examinations are held in June and November each year with results issued in August and January respectively.

Curriculum Content

The curriculum content is set out in twenty two interrelated sections. These sections should be read as an integrated whole and not as a progression. The sections are as follows:

AS Level


  1. Information representation
  2. Communication
  3. Hardware
  4. Processor fundamentals
  5. System software
  6. Security, privacy and data integrity
  7. Ethics and ownership
  8. Database

Programming Skills:

  1. Algorithm design and problem-solving
  2. Data type and structures
  3. Programming
  4. Software development

A2 Level


  1. Data representation
  2. Communication and Internet technologies
  3. Hardware and virtual machine
  4. System software
  5. Security
  6. Artificial Intelligence (AI)


  1. Computational thinking and problem-solving
  2. Further programming

For more detail, please visit the following link: CIE AL - Computer Science (9618)

Course Outline

Module Section(s) Covered Study Hours
AS Level
Module 1: Programming Basics 9, 10, 11 24 (12 Lessons)
Module 2: Algorithm Design & Problem-solvings 11, 12 24 (12 Lessons)
Module 3: Computer Systems & Organisation 1, 3, 4, 5 20 (10 Lessons)
Module 4: Databases & Communication Technologies 2, 6, 7, 8 28 (14 Lessons)
A2 Level (A-Level)
Module 5: Advanced Problem Solving Methods 13, 18, 19 32 (16 Lessons)
Module 6: Programming Paradigms 19, 20 20 (10 Lessons)
Module 7: Communication Technologies & Security 13, 14, 17 20 (10 Lessons)
Module 8: System Software & Artificial Intelligence 15, 16, 18 24 (12 Lessons)

Programming Language

Java or Python will be used when teaching programming concepts.


Applicants should:

  • Either, have grade B or above in Information Communication Technology at IGCSE;
  • Or, have grade C or above in Computer Science at IGCSE
  • Or, have 4 point or above in Information Communication Technology (Software module) at HKDSE;
  • Or, have a similar Professional IT qualification or equivalent;
  • Or, pass a written and practical entry test.

Schedule Detail

Please click on the following links for further detail about the schedule.