Tech Pioneer

(Age 6 - 8)

Course Date: 11 Jan 2024 to 30 Mar 2024 (12 Lessons)

Word Wizard

Word Wizard

Students will learn how to edit text, add colours, browse and select images, and the workflow for creating simple stories. This module aims to introduce basic word processing techniques, use appropriate text, symbols, and images for presenting ideas clea

Coding Pioneer

Students will learn Scratch commands, use simple programs to create different projects. This module aims to train students’ logical thinking and reasoning skills, enable students to predict the results and debug a simple program.

Tech Explorer

(Age 9 - 12)

Course Date: 11 Jan 2024 to 30 Mar 2024 (12 Lessons)

Video Creator

Video Creator

Students will learn video capture, editing, and special effects. They will gain proficiency in adding transitions, filters, subtitles, picture-in-picture effects, sound processing, and animated text. The aim is to teach film production and editing techniq

Text Processing Researcher

Students will learn how to combine text and images to present ideas, format text, arrange items, and improve page layout. This module aims to enhance students’ word processing skills to design documents for specific audience efficiently.

Tech Specialist

(Age 13 or above)

Course Date: 11 Jan 2024 to 30 Mar 2024 (12 Lessons)

Text Processing Expert

Text Processing Expert

Students will acquire the skills to design tailored documents for diverse situations and target audiences. They will learn formatting text, inserting tables, adjusting image attributes, setting anchor points, and enhancing page formats. The objective is t

Website Designer

Students will acquire foundational skills in web page creation, including working with tables, formatting and arranging text and layout, adding images, hyperlinks, and establishing anchor links. The objective is to teach students the basics of HTML and CS

Tech Pioneer

(Age 6 - 8)

Course Date: 04 Apr 2024 to 22 Jun 2024 (12 Lessons)

Web Search Wizard

Web Search Wizard

Students will learn the use of Internet and search engine, bookmark and print web pages, use complex searching methods to evaluate and analyse information. This module aims to enable students’ keyword search skills to retrieve relevant data efficiently fo

Creative Artist

Students will learn how to use Line Tools, Shape Tools, and Fill Tools to create images. Use Select, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo operations to edit images. This module aims to introduce basic drawing and editing techniques, use appropriate tools and choose

Tech Explorer

(Age 9 - 12)

Course Date: 04 Apr 2024 to 22 Jun 2024 (12 Lessons)

Presentation Creator

Presentation Creator

Students will learn how to use multimedia software to create and edit presentations, identify the purpose and target audience. This module aims to enable students’ ability to establish presentations by using text, images, sound, and animations.

Programming Engineer

Students will learn to create intricate graphics and patterns using Scratch commands. By combining programming codes and mathematical concepts, they will draw shapes, including polygons, and generate unique designs on the screen. The aim is to familiarize

Tech Specialist

(Age 13 or above)

Course Date: 04 Apr 2024 to 22 Jun 2024 (12 Lessons)

Presentation Design Expert

Presentation Design Expert

Students will learn to source suitable multimedia elements, including images and videos, and utilize them to create well-structured presentation slides. They will gain proficiency in designing layouts, incorporating animations and transitions. The aim is

Programming Expert

Students will learn the C# language and programming skills necessary to develop various programs using conditionals, input and output instructions. The objective is to train students in logical thinking to design programs and equip them with skills in pro

Tech Pioneer

(Age 6 - 8)

Course Date: 27 Jun 2024 to 14 Sep 2024 (12 Lessons)

Email Messenger

Email Messenger

Students will learn how to write, send, and receive emails, understand the basic operations of using email software, such as, CC, BCC, add/open attachment, access address book, create contact group, save emails, and create folders. This module aim to sup

Number Cruncher

Students will learn how to classify information, identify cells, columns and rows, input data, add mathematical formula, and make use of Column Chart and Pie Chart. This module enable students analyse data, understand charts for answering simple questions

Tech Explorer

(Age 9 - 12)

Course Date: 27 Jun 2024 to 14 Sep 2024 (12 Lessons)

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

Students will learn how to use select tool, line tool, shape tools, and fill tools for creating and editing images and apply special effects. This module aims to enable students’ ability to use a variety of graph tools, design skills, and the procedure of

Database Designer

Students will learn to construct a solid database structure, understanding key concepts like rows, fields, and records. They will design tables, create fields, assign data types, and develop user-friendly input forms. The aim is to enhance students' profi

Tech Specialist

(Age 13 or above)

Course Date: 27 Jun 2024 to 14 Sep 2024 (12 Lessons)

Spreadsheet Design Expert

Spreadsheet Design Expert

Students will learn spreadsheet design, how to arrange data, use suitable formulas and functions. They will also learn how to create charts based on data. The objective of the course is to train students in designing and modifying spreadsheet models to su

Animation Designer

Students will learn to design and create animations centered around specific targets or themes. They will acquire skills in material selection and planning animation storyboards. Students will also incorporate text, images, background music, and sound eff

Tech Pioneer

(Age 6 - 8)

Course Date: 19 Sep 2024 to 07 Dec 2024 (12 Lessons)

Coding Pioneer

Coding Pioneer

Students will learn Scratch commands, use simple programs to create different projects. This module aims to train students’ logical thinking and reasoning skills, enable students to predict the results and debug a simple program.

Word Wizard

Students will learn how to edit text, add colours, browse and select images, and the workflow for creating simple stories. This module aims to introduce basic word processing techniques, use appropriate text, symbols, and images for presenting ideas clea

Tech Explorer

(Age 9 - 12)

Course Date: 19 Sep 2024 to 07 Dec 2024 (12 Lessons)

Spreadsheet Designer

Spreadsheet Designer

Students will develop proficiency in spreadsheet operations, including data input, modification, and analysis using functions and formulas. They will also learn effective cell formatting and chart creation. The aim is to empower students to use spreadshee

3D Design Explorer

Students will learn 3D model design, using tools to create, enhance, and apply effects. The aim is to turn imaginative ideas into concrete models, developing observation skills and creating 3D models like real.

Tech Specialist

(Age 13 or above)

Course Date: 19 Sep 2024 to 07 Dec 2024 (12 Lessons)

Network Security Expert

Network Security Expert

Students will learn the fundamental concepts of computer networks, including the functions of each network component. They will also gain knowledge in network security. The objective of the course is to teach students to identify different topology of net

Database Design Expert

Students will learn practical database skills, including designing table structures based on specific needs and testing their functionality. The objective is to teach students the relationships between tables, data filtering techniques, importing data fro

Schedule and Fee

One hour per lesson every week

Every Thursday or Friday 17:00, 18:00
Every Saturday 08:30, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30,
13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30
Course Duration per Module 12 hours (3 months) + 1.5 hours (Assessment) * The assessment date and time will be scheduled after completing each module.
Course Fee HK$1,440 / 4 lessons
Total Course Fee per Module HK$4,320
Assessment Fee HK$300 per module
New Student Registration Fee HK$180 (student passport and folder included)
Enrolment Procedures and Notes to Applicants

Course Enrolment

  • Complete Application Form:
    • "Application Form" is available at our school, or you may download it from HERE (PDF format)
    • Please complete the Application Form in ENGLISH using BLOCK LETTERS.
  • Settle payment by:
    • Crossed cheque and is made payable to "FUTUREKIDS".
    • Transfer to our Heng Sang Bank account with a proof of transfer
    • Cash (Please come to our center in-person)
  • Send us the completed application form with the proof of payment through:
    • mail to Flat A, 7 Floor, China Harbour Building, 370 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong
    • email to
    • WhatsApp to 54225884
  • HK$180 Registration Fee is required for new student, which covers FUTUREKIDS passport and school folder.

Course Reservation

  • Reservations can be done by contact us through phone, email or WhatsApp during the office hours.
  • Confirmation by payment in full should be made within 7 days of the date the reservation.

School Fee Collection Policy

  • All School fee shall be settled before the start of class.
  • Upon payment of school fee, PAID Stamps with receipt number will be endorsed in the Student Passport as proof of payment.
  • Upon entry of classroom, student should produce the Passport to Teacher showing the class student is going to attend was pre-paid. Student may not be allowed to enter classroom should the school fee is not paid more than two classes. Teacher will check and advise students to pay the school fee before entering the classroom.
  • Student should buy the Student Passport in case of the passport is lost or it is fully stamped.

Class Arrangement for Typhoon and Rainstorm

When signal(s)* is/are removed Arrangement of Classes
Before 6:30 am All classes will be held as scheduled
Before 8:30 am Classes starting from 10:30am will be held as scheduled
Before 10:30 am Classes starting from 12:30pm will be held as scheduled
Before 12:30 pm Classes starting from 2:30pm will be held as scheduled
Before 2:30 pm Classes starting from 4:30pm will be held as scheduled
After 2:30 pm All classes will be cancelled

*Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above OR "Black" Rainstorm Warning Signal

  • If any class is cancelled due to the the typhoon No. 8 or above / "Black" rainstorm warning signal hoisted, a make-up class will be arranged.

Make-Up Class or Assessment Policy

  • Please contact us 3 working days on or before the scheduled class or assessment for applying make-up arrangement.
  • We reserve the rights to reject any application after 3 working days and charge for the administration fee HK$200.
  • Regular Class student could apply for make-up class once per month. Administration fee HK$200 will be charged for afterward application.
  • Holiday Camp student could apply for make-up class once per course. Administration fee HK$200 will be charged for afterward application.
  • Make-up date and time will be arranged according to our course or assessment schedule, the number of students and the availability of teachers. Please note that we cannot arrange make-up upon individual’s demand.


  • For GERNERAL ENQUIRES, please contact us during the Office hours.
  • FUTUREKIDS reserves the right to make alterations regarding the details without prior notice.